Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stress can turn hair gray and it's reversible, researchers find

does stress cause gray hair

Reducing stress in your life is a good goal, but it won't necessarily turn your hair to a normal color. The results were compared with each volunteer's stress diary, in which individuals were asked to review their calendars and rate each week's level of stress. The findings can help illuminate the broader effects of stress on various organs and tissues. This understanding will pave the way for new studies that seek to modify or block the damaging effects of stress.

How to deal with hair loss?

But the culprit ended up being a different part of the body’s fight or flight response — the sympathetic nervous system. Researchers set out to determine if stress could also cause hair to gray, and if so, how. The study was funded in part by NIH’s National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other NIH components. Gray gets a bad rep in a world that’s looking to biohack our way to forever, but a reputation is all it is — and that can be changed. You can rock your grays like a rock star, dye them to wait until more arrive, or even take a closer look at your diet for potential nutritional gaps — because the truth is grays aren’t an overnight occurrence. Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures, but it can become unhealthy when it upsets a person's day-to-day function, according to the American Psychological Association.

Healthy Aging

Picard and his team began searching for others with two-colored hairs through local ads, on social media and by word of mouth. Not at all, though if the gray hairs come in a short period, they may be a sign that you’re under too much stress. If that’s not the case, you could embrace your gray hair and enjoy celebrating your age. Not everyone showed evidence of regaining color, and it didn’t happen in any volunteers over the age of 40 in this study. More research will tell us if de-stressing can reverse hair loss later in life. Looking at the proteins in the hair strands at different points allowed the team to see that some hairs that were now brown or another color had been gray or white earlier in the year.

Mice and humans are different. Often medical studies in animals turn out to be impossible to replicate in people.

They found that noradrenaline, also known as norepinephrine, was key to stress-induced hair graying. By injecting noradrenaline under the skin of unstressed mice, the researchers were able to cause melanocyte stem cell loss and hair graying. To connect stress with hair graying, the researchers started with a whole-body response and progressively zoomed in on individual organ systems, cell-to-cell interaction, and, eventually, all the way down to molecular dynamics. The process required a variety of research tools along the way, including methods of manipulating organs, nerves, and cell receptors. Hair growth demands lots of energy and while strands are growing, cells receive signals from the body, including stress hormones, the authors write. It’s possible these exposures trigger changes in hair pigmentation.

How Does Stress Affect Your Hair Color?

Infographic depicting how stem cells are depleted in response to stress, causing hair to turn gray in mice. Changes in 300 proteins occurred when hair color changed, and the researchers developed a mathematical model that suggests stress-induced changes in mitochondria may explain how stress turns hair gray. As they age, men tend to lose the hair on top of their head, which eventually leaves a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the sides. It's caused by genes from both parents – the idea that men take after their mother's father is a myth. It's fueled by dihydrotestosterone, a byproduct of the male hormone testosterone. In female-pattern baldness, the hair loss is different – it thins throughout the top of the scalp, leaving the hair in front intact.

does stress cause gray hair

Without stem cells left to create new pigment cells, new hair turns gray or white. Because stress affects the whole body, researchers first had to narrow down which specific systems were involved. The team first hypothesized that stress causes an immune attack on pigment-producing cells. However, when mice lacking immune cells still showed hair graying, researchers turned to the hormone cortisol. The mitochondria connection between stress and hair color differs from that discovered in a recent study of mice, which found that stress-induced graying was caused by an irreversible loss of stem cells in the hair follicle.

For some people, some of their hair can naturally go back to its original color.

With fewer stem cells to turn into pigment cells or melanocytes, less melanin can be produced. Using florescent labelling, the researchers observed the stem cells change to melanocytes and migrate away from their reserve in the hair follicle. With no remaining stem cells, no new pigment cells can be made, and any new hair becomes gray, then white. Although reducing your stress levels might seem insurmountable, making sure you’re eating the right things will go a long way to setting a good foundation for optimum hair growth. A healthy balanced diet is also important in stress reduction too as it can support a healthy immune system, repair damaged cells and even reduce elevated cortisol levels. Getting enough protein in your diet is essential as it provides the building blocks for proper hair growth; meat, tofu, eggs, beans, grains, nuts, and fish are all good protein sources.

Society for Science

Gray hair is really hair with reduced melanin, while white hair completely lacks it. That’s partly because of a gradual decline in the number of stem cells that mature to become melanin-producing cells. The cells may wear out, become damaged, or lose the support systems meant to keep them working. Genes are also a factor, since they help control melanin production.

After eliminating the immune system and the stress hormone cortisol as causes of the color change, the team discovered that part of the animals’ nervous system was depleting pigment cells from hair. Chemicals released during the stress response — specifically norepinephrine — causes pigment producing stem cells to activate prematurely, depleting the hair’s “reserves” of color. The researchers eventually turned to the neurotransmitter noradrenaline, which, along with corticosterone, was elevated in the stressed mice.

does stress cause gray hair

“It's interesting to note that it is the perception of stress that is important. So if we feel we have the resources to handle the situation we're less likely to experience chronic stress." The first silvery strands usually pop up around age 30 for men and age 35 for women, but graying can begin as early as high school for some and as late as the 50s for others.

Stress turns hair gray, but it's reversible, study finds - TODAY - TODAY

Stress turns hair gray, but it's reversible, study finds - TODAY.

Posted: Wed, 07 Jul 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It can be long and wavy, short and straight, frizzy and unmanageable, or smooth and shiny. Hair comes in many different lengths, styles, colors, and textures. Yet just about everyone – no matter what kind of hair they have – falls prey to at least one hair problem at some point in life. Scott recommends using a big barrel curling iron to create waves. If you prefer your hair up, Pacheco suggests crossed and french braids that will also help hide grays (or enhance the look with weaves of color).

Its True: Stress Does Turn Hair Gray And Its Reversible Columbia University Irving Medical Center

does stress cause gray hair

In middle age, when a person is nearer that threshold, stress can push a hair over the line. This analysis revealed that the times when graying or reversal occurred corresponded to periods of significant stress or relaxation. In one individual, a 35-year-old man with auburn hair, five strands of hair underwent graying reversal during the same time span, which coincided with a two-week vacation. Another subject, a 30-year-old woman with black hair, had one strand that contained a white segment that corresponded to two months during which she underwent marital separation and relocation—her highest-stress period in the year. Early evidence suggests that fish oil supplements can promote hair growth.

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By manipulating the genes, the researchers prevented or reduced gray hair in the mice. "Understanding the mechanisms that allow 'old' gray hairs to return to their 'young' pigmented states could yield new clues about the malleability of human aging in general and how it is influenced by stress," Picard says. The researchers showed that stress also leads to the loss of these pigment-producing stem cells in mice. “Understanding the mechanisms that allow ‘old’ gray hairs to return to their ‘young’ pigmented states could yield new clues about the malleability of human aging in general and how it is influenced by stress,” Picard says.

Smoking plays a huge role with graying

It's important to remember that going gray is a natural part of aging that everyone will likely go through eventually. If you're noticing more grays accompanied by stress, making some life changes may be able to help. Smoking, on the other hand, has been found to have a significant relationship with developing gray hair before the age of 30, according to a 2013 study. There are many reasons people experience graying, but a lot of times it simply comes down to natural aging and genetics.

Stress can turn hair gray, but the process is reversible, study finds

Each slice, about 1/20th of a millimeter wide, represents about an hour of hair growth. Researchers found that the norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves causes the stem cells to activate excessively. The stem cells all convert into pigment-producing cells, prematurely depleting the reservoir. In the hair follicle, certain stem cells act as reservoirs of pigment-producing cells.

How Stress Can Affect Hair Loss And What To Do About It

This April marks Stress Awareness month in the US, a calendar moment designed to raise awareness of the pervasive and damaging nature of stress. While we know that stress is an undeniable factor in most people’s lives, its impact on so many aspects of our physical and mental health is perhaps more far reaching than we might imagine. When it comes to our hair, stress is the second biggest cause of hair loss after genetics, but because the process usually takes anywhere between three and six months to happen, many people don’t make the connection.

When hair regenerates, some of the stem cells convert into pigment-producing cells that color the hair. For the study, published in eLife, researchers plucked, imaged and analyzed 397 hairs from 14 healthy people ranging in age from 9 to 65. None used hair dye, bleaching or other chemical treatments and all self-identified as having some gray hairs or two-colored hairs.

does stress cause gray hair

Chronic stress can have multiple effects on the body, and the hair is no exception. A 2013 study showed a correlation between stress and graying of hair in mice. While genetics seems to be a larger factor in when one grays, stress can contribute to it.

Some people consider gray hair as something that makes them look distinguished; for others, it's a reminder that they're getting older. However you feel about it, gray or white hair is pretty much inevitable with age (if you're fortunate enough to still have hair in your later years). Going gray is commonly explained as a loss of pigment (aka melanin) in the hair shaft. Typically, this hair has a different feel and texture than its pigmented counterparts. It’s been noted that gray hair is coarser, thinner, and “less manageable” — but there are products to help with this! Consider gray a new stage of life, one that you can learn to embrace in your own way.

What color is your tongue? What's healthy, what's not?

Why Exactly Does My Hair Hurt? Experts Share How to Help Scalp Pain - Vogue

Why Exactly Does My Hair Hurt? Experts Share How to Help Scalp Pain.

Posted: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

“People who report having experienced moderate to high stress over the long term have been shown to have changes in different brain structures that are important for memory and cognition,” adds Simone. Dr. Patricia Simone is a cognitive neuroscientist and professor of psychology at Santa Clara University. The focus of her research is cognitive aging, and what factors influence long-term memory in older adults and children. 2018 research shows that regular physical activity may reduce stress and stress-related risk factors.

At the end of this stage, the follicle shrivels, the keratinocytes and melanocytes undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis), and the follicle enters a resting phase, during which the hair falls out. “Acute stress, particularly the fight-or-flight response, has been traditionally viewed to be beneficial for an animal’s survival. But in this case, acute stress causes permanent depletion of stem cells,” said postdoctoral fellow Bing Zhang, lead author of the study.

“Gray hair tends to turn a dull yellowish color that can age you, so try keeping it shiny and bright.” You can do this by using toning, purple-colored shampoos. Popular options include Aveda’s Blue Malva Shampoo, Davines Alchemic Silver series, and Joico’s Color Endure Violet. A 2013 study showed that smokers were two and half times more likely to develop premature hair greying than non-smokers. Even indirect stress, such as malnutrition, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalance and anemia, may impact hair pigmentation, he said. These findings suggest “that there is a window of opportunity during which graying is probably much more reversible than had been thought for a long time,” says study co-author Ralf Paus, a dermatologist at the University of Miami.

In hair follicles, cells called melanocyte stem cells color hair by converting into pigment-producing cells. The body can’t replenish the stem cells, so as these cells are used up, color vanishes. Sensory stress triggered a mouse’s sympathetic nervous system — which controls the body’s fight-or-flight response to stress — to release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, the team found. That compound overactivates the reservoir of stem cells, setting off a flurry of conversion into pigment-producing cells. Hair color is determined by cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin. New melanocytes are made from melanocyte stem cells that live within the hair follicle at the base of the hair strand.

The team’s first step was to identify proteins that show if a strand was gray, white, or colored—at any point in its history. During stressful times, people often credit “the job” or “the kids” for their premature grays. While some may be only joking, there’s some truth to the theory.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Biden strikes defiant tone on special counsel report in national address

news from the white house

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said President Trump "is in a great mood," noting they've had "not just a successful couple of days" but "a successful year." "This has been part of an ongoing campaign that’s been going for over a year and just because some of the individuals that may regularly leak to the press weren’t involved in the conversation, doesn’t mean that the appropriate parties that lead those agencies were not in the room and not part of that discussion," Sanders said. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said it’s “absurd” to pretend that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was not involved in the North Korea discussions Thursday and defended reports that the Pentagon was left out of the loop. A second reporter later asked if Trump remembers speaking with his lawyer about the arbitration involving Stormy Daniels, or meeting her. Placing blame on previous administrations, Biden continued to defend the late August operation.

Investing in the American People

“The country and the American people are better, more secure because of her leadership,” she wrote. Immigration is one of the issues where Rice has at times clashed with other administration officials, such as Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, over the approach to handling migrants at the border, for instance. Often described as “tough” and “dogged,” Rice also has endeared herself to some of the White House’s younger staff members and maintained a close relationship with Biden, according to some of her current and former colleagues. The move brings to a close Rice’s prolific, wide-ranging and at times controversial tenure overseeing Biden’s domestic agenda — including some of the thorniest political issues, such as immigration policy.

Pelosi honors "heroic death" of US Capitol officer: "He is a martyr for our democracy"

"We should be clear about what Russia is doing — it is purposefully attacking Ukraine's critical infrastructure, destroying the systems that provide heat and light to the Ukrainian people during the coldest, darkest part of the year. Russia is using winter as a weapon," the president said. More than 50 nations have committed tanks, artillery systems and billions of dollars to make sure Ukraine has the military and humanitarian resources it needs, the president said. Lawmakers have allocated more than $65 billion in total aid, which includes financial and humanitarian assistance, to Ukraine since the invasion, though some House Republicans have expressed opposition to continuing direct funding to the country. Sitting in the Oval Office, Zelenskyy said it was a "great honor" to be welcomed to the White House, and expressed his appreciation "from my heart, from the hearts of Ukrainians, all Ukrainians" for Mr. Biden's "support and leadership." After his meetings at the White House, Zelenskyy left for Capitol Hill, where he was set to meet with congressional leaders and address a joint meeting of Congress. "It's important for the American people and for the world to hear directly from you, Mr. President, about Ukraine's fight and the need to continue to stand together through 2023."

Biden Lets Trump Jokes Fly at White House Correspondents Dinner - The New York Times

Biden Lets Trump Jokes Fly at White House Correspondents Dinner.

Posted: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 09:06:17 GMT [source]

New book ‘Our Enemies Will Vanish’ recounts Ukrainian resistance against Russian invasion

Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement Friday regarding the death of US Capitol Police Officer William Evans, saying that he "made the ultimate sacrifice protecting the Capitol and those who work there on behalf of the American people." In response to a reporter’s question Thursday night about what he would have done differently, Biden talked about the importance of overseeing the transfer of materials. The report also said Biden did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.

Republicans argue that impeachment hearings, which the House Homeland Security Committee launched last month, are needed due to record high illegal border crossings and drug trafficking across the southern U.S. border under Mayorkas, whom Biden appointed in 2021. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tried twice last year to force an impeachment vote against Mayorkas. According to a preliminary investigation released Friday by the Committee to Protect Journalists, nearly 100 journalists have been killed covering the war in Gaza. More than two dozen journalists in Gaza wrote a letter last week calling on their colleagues in Washington to boycott the dinner altogether.

news from the white house

Biden highlighted his administration's accomplishments as well as the challenges that lie ahead as many priorities in his agenda remain stalled, including the Build Back Better Act and voting rights legislation. Learn more about the current administration, our country’s former presidents, and the official residence. We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. It is one of just two colleges where Biden will deliver commencement addresses this year; the other is the U.S.

Morehouse College pushes the White House for 'direct engagement' ahead of Biden's speech

‘Shame on you’: Pro-Palestine protest at White House correspondents’ dinner - Al Jazeera English

‘Shame on you’: Pro-Palestine protest at White House correspondents’ dinner.

Posted: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:05:20 GMT [source]

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered the flags at the US Capitol to be flown at half-staff today in honor of the officer who was killed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also tweeted about the incident, saying he is "Praying for the United States Capitol Police officers who were attacked at the Capitol" and "Grateful to all the USCP and first responders who are on the scene." CNN has attempted to reach Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for comment on this story but has not received a response. Calls to the Nation of Islam were directed to the organization’s newspaper, and an individual that picked up the phone at the newspaper said there was no one there that could comment on the story. Green, 25, graduated from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in finance, according to a program from the university commencement. Less than two hours before he was shot and killed, Green posted a number of Instagram stories on an account that appears to belong him, including links to ​other Instagram videos of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking.

One organizer complained that the White House Correspondents’ Association — which represents the hundreds of journalists who cover the president — largely has been silent since the first weeks of the war about the killings of Palestinian journalists. O’Donnell went on to list the scores of journalists who have been imprisoned across the world, including Americans Evan Gershkovich and Austin Tice. She said Congress "stands ready to assist law enforcement with a swift and comprehensive investigation into this heinous attack." " a caption on one video read. In another post on the Instagram account, Green wrote last week that he believed Farrakhan had saved him "after the terrible afflictions I have suffered presumably by the CIA and FBI, government agencies of the United States of America." The White House also felt, as evidenced by the president’s fiery remarks about knowing when his late son Beau died, that the attacks on his memory were “way out of line” and “gratuitous,” the source said. Senior Biden aides believed it was imperative for the president to call out what they view as purely political criticism from Hur because, they argue, the special counsel was concerned about potential blowback from conservatives for not charging Biden with a crime, one of the people said.

news from the white house

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have also invited Zelenskyy to speak at an all-senators meeting on Tuesday morning, according to a Senate leadership aide. Vice President Kamala Harris will join Mr. Biden for the bilateral meeting with Zelenskyy at the White House, her office said. "This will be a day to remember in the history of the United States Congress when we welcome President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine," said Schumer, wearing Ukraine's colors of blue and yellow. "As the fight for freedom in Ukraine wages on, we look forward to hearing his inspiring message of courage, unity and determination," the speaker said. The U.S. has provided about $22 billion in military assistance to Ukraine alone since the war began, on top of tens of billions of dollars in financial and humanitarian assistance. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the latest round of military assistance will include the Patriot air defense system, which is effective in bringing down cruise missiles, short range ballistic missiles and aircraft.

"Because the so-called friendship between Putin and Trump was a sour relationship that was deeply damaging to our country and to the international order." That opposition, and with Republicans poised to take control of the House next month, has led to uncertainty as to whether more aid packages for Ukraine would win approval from the next Congress. "I am in Washington today to thank the American people, the President and the Congress for their much-needed support. And also to continue cooperation to bring our victory closer," Zelenskyy wrote in a caption accompanying the photos. "I will hold a series of negotiations to strengthen the resilience and defense capabilities of Ukraine. In particular, we will discuss bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the United States of America with US President Joseph Biden." "The Ukrainian people continue to inspire the world. I mean that sincerely. Not just inspire us but inspire the world with their courage and how they have [shown] the resilience and resolve for their future," the president said.

Protest organizers said they wanted to bring attention to the high numbers of Palestinian and other Arab journalists killed by Israel’s military since the war began in October. Kelly O’Donnell, president of the correspondents’ association, opened the event by reminding the audience of the important work that journalists do but noting that the dinner is happening at “a complex moment for our nation,” and in a decisive election year. Criticism of the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s six-month-old military offensive in Gaza has spread through American college campuses, with students pitching encampments in an effort to force their universities to divest from Israel. Pelosi expressed her gratitude, and said the officers showed the same "extraordinary selflessness and spirit of service" as they did during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a statement on today's attack near the Capitol and the US Capitol Police officer who was killed. "It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of Officer William 'Billy' Evans this afternoon from injuries he sustained following an attack at the North Barricade by a lone assailant," the department's acting chief Yogananda Pittman said in a statement.

Biden invites Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to the White House on Tuesday

news from the white house

Hamas militants also abducted more than 200 people, many of whom continue to be in captivity. Top U.S. officials have also discussed getting additional Palestinians out of Gaza and processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, the documents show. The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

Biden says Putin is "going to fail"

In fiscal year 2023, the U.S. welcomed 56 Palestinian refugees, or 0.09% of the more than 60,000 refugees resettled during those 12 months, State Department statistics show. The proposals to resettle certain Palestinians as refugees would mark a shift in longstanding U.S. government policy and practice. Since its inception in 1980, the U.S. refugee program has not resettled Palestinians in large numbers. In a format usually reserved to announce when the president will veto a particular bill, the administration countered that House Republicans are abusing Congress’ authority to target a Cabinet-level official for reasons beyond the scope of their authority.

Trump's lawyer used Trump Organization email in Stormy Daniels deal

Republicans argue that impeachment hearings, which the House Homeland Security Committee launched last month, are needed due to record high illegal border crossings and drug trafficking across the southern U.S. border under Mayorkas, whom Biden appointed in 2021. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tried twice last year to force an impeachment vote against Mayorkas. According to a preliminary investigation released Friday by the Committee to Protect Journalists, nearly 100 journalists have been killed covering the war in Gaza. More than two dozen journalists in Gaza wrote a letter last week calling on their colleagues in Washington to boycott the dinner altogether.

Biden to meet with families of killed law enforcement officers

White House considers admitting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees - The Hill

White House considers admitting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees.

Posted: Wed, 01 May 2024 02:02:00 GMT [source]

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have also invited Zelenskyy to speak at an all-senators meeting on Tuesday morning, according to a Senate leadership aide. Vice President Kamala Harris will join Mr. Biden for the bilateral meeting with Zelenskyy at the White House, her office said. "This will be a day to remember in the history of the United States Congress when we welcome President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine," said Schumer, wearing Ukraine's colors of blue and yellow. "As the fight for freedom in Ukraine wages on, we look forward to hearing his inspiring message of courage, unity and determination," the speaker said. The U.S. has provided about $22 billion in military assistance to Ukraine alone since the war began, on top of tens of billions of dollars in financial and humanitarian assistance. Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the latest round of military assistance will include the Patriot air defense system, which is effective in bringing down cruise missiles, short range ballistic missiles and aircraft.

Japanese PM Fumio Kishida addresses U.S. 'self-doubt' about world role in remarks to Congress

Zelenskyy said he hopes to ensure Ukraine continues to combat Russia from a position of strength as it enters the second year of the war, and urged Congress to approve the $45 billion assistance to his country included in the $1.7 trillion omnibus package. In brief opening remarks through a translator, Zelenskyy reiterated the purpose of his visit to Washington — to thank Mr. Biden and Congress for providing bicameral and bipartisan support for continued assistance to Ukraine. Shortly before Zelenskyy arrived, the State Department unveiled a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $1.85 billion, bringing the total military aid sent to Ukraine to $22 billion. In a first, the U.S. is sending the Ukrainians a Patriot missile battery, a sophisticated air defense system that can repel Russian missiles and aircraft.

news from the white house

"It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do," Biden told reporters at an East Room news conference. "But if they actually do what they're capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine." Students, faculty members and leadership alike have said they expect some sort of protests around the president’s visit this month and are focused on preventing the type of escalation at other schools from occurring at Morehouse.

User Clip: Biden_it's sick

The White House has issued a high-level clarification following President Biden's remarks suggesting potential disunity within NATO over how to respond in the event of a "minor incursion" by Russia into Ukraine. Kamala and I will continue to call on Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade in federal law.And until then, we’ll continue taking action to protect patients and ensure access to high-quality health care. For generations, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders have been a defining force in the soul of our nation.This month, we celebrate our diverse AA and NHPI communities and renew our commitment to fulfilling the promise of equality for all. Last year, we secured the release of Abigail, a 4-year-old who was being held by Hamas.She’s remarkable and recovering from unspeakable trauma.Our time together yesterday was a reminder of the work we have in front of us to secure the release of all remaining hostages.

Biden says it's now clear to him that he is the President, not a "President-senator"

news from the white house

In recent years, the Biden administration has dramatically increased refugee resettlement, which was slashed to record lows by former President Donald Trump. U.S. officials have set a goal of admitting up to 125,000 refugees in fiscal year 2024, which ends at the end of September. In recent weeks, the documents show, senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents. The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News.

Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement Friday regarding the death of US Capitol Police Officer William Evans, saying that he "made the ultimate sacrifice protecting the Capitol and those who work there on behalf of the American people." In response to a reporter’s question Thursday night about what he would have done differently, Biden talked about the importance of overseeing the transfer of materials. The report also said Biden did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.

The majority leader praised the success of Ukrainian fighters in forcing Russia's retreat from key cities and said it shows "American support is working." Ahead of the confirmation vote, Schumer highlighted the Senate's timing for approving Tracey as ambassador before Zelenskyy's speech and said it underscores U.S. support for Ukraine. The president said he "looks forward" to signing Congress' omnibus spending bill, which includes $45 billion in additional support for Ukraine. Noting the change of party control of the House in the coming weeks, when Republicans will take hold of the lower chamber, Zelenskyy said he is confident there will be bipartisan support for additional assistance to Ukraine. "One of the things that I do think that has been made clear to me, speaking of polling, is the public doesn't want me to be the President-senator. They want me to be the President, and let senators be senators," Biden said during a news conference to mark his first year in office. Additionally, the statement continued with Psaki adding that Biden "affirmed today that those acts of Russian aggression will be met with a decisive, reciprocal, and united response."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered the flags at the US Capitol to be flown at half-staff today in honor of the officer who was killed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also tweeted about the incident, saying he is "Praying for the United States Capitol Police officers who were attacked at the Capitol" and "Grateful to all the USCP and first responders who are on the scene." CNN has attempted to reach Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for comment on this story but has not received a response. Calls to the Nation of Islam were directed to the organization’s newspaper, and an individual that picked up the phone at the newspaper said there was no one there that could comment on the story. Green, 25, graduated from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in finance, according to a program from the university commencement. Less than two hours before he was shot and killed, Green posted a number of Instagram stories on an account that appears to belong him, including links to ​other Instagram videos of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

16 Gorgeous Gravel Patio Ideas

design outdoor patio

While many patio ideas play out well in the privacy of backyards, we're also keen on a pretty front porch design and how it engages you with neighbors and arriving guests alike. Planning a backyard patio can be a simple update or a serious makeover. Before your outdoor living dreaming takes root, think of how you plan to use the space in the long run.

Paint a Rug

Then how about splashing out on a sauna as part of your backyard patio ideas? But, these structures are a surefire way to decrease stress and offer plenty of other health benefits, too. Bringing water into the heart of your backyard patio ideas can be an effective way to introduce a soothing feel to your space. Even a small pond with a mini fountain can create a lovely background noise that will be instantly calming as you relax.

Create inviting corners with garden lighting and comfy cushions

With these deck and patio design ideas, you can have a backyard that reflects your style and enhances your outdoor lifestyle. Whether you prefer sleek and modern or rustic and cozy, there’s a design idea to suit every taste and budget. Have a look at our amazing collection of ideas below which includes links to all of the sources, helping you transform your backyard into a dreamy outdoor sanctuary. For a California home, designer Noz Nozawa worked with decorative artist Caroline Lizarraga to give the patio a modern black-and-white painted design. This trick is especially useful if you can't find an outdoor rug in the right size and don't want to invest in a custom one. Opt for furniture with built-in canopies for instant shade, like the seating on this patio by designer Sarah Gilbane.

Building Materials

On this patio at a home by architect Elizabeth Roberts, sconces and a pendant ensure the small space is adequately lit come nightfall. It could be used for a dining area like in the above image, a lounge area, or for your outdoor kitchen – any kind of outdoor room that would benefit from zoning in this way. Even a small step down to the rest of the garden is enough to make an impact. It uses tiles to add pattern and highlight the different levels of the garden. As much as we love the sun, spending all day basking in its rays can be harmful.

The 9 Best Patio Furniture Sets in 2024 - Best Outdoor Furniture - Popular Mechanics

The 9 Best Patio Furniture Sets in 2024 - Best Outdoor Furniture.

Posted: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Just because you need an outdoor rug that can withstand the elements doesn't mean that you have to compromise on style. This global-inspired rug option is great for those on the hunt for a thoughtful design. The flatweave allows this rug to look polished at a more competitive price point. Another useful trick for keeping your outdoor sectional in peak shape? If Jenni Kayne is our West Coast pick, then of course we're doing an East Coast pick, and for that, there's no brand better than L.L.Bean.

Waves Outdoor Rug

Enliven the Patio With Outdoor Seating in Candy Colors - Interior Design

Enliven the Patio With Outdoor Seating in Candy Colors.

Posted: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

We have several shell colors to choose from along with the cabinets making it easy to choose the right spa for you. We carry a wide range of cast aluminum fire pits and also custom design fire pits and tables to fit your style and backyard area. We have a 10,000 Square Foot design center located in Ontario, Ca..

Modern Patio Design Ideas

Designer Summer Thornton pulled inspiration from the courtyards of New Orleans for the playful patio at her Chicago townhouse. The black and white floor features stone (Exquisite Surfaces) sourced from quarries in cold parts of northern China and Europe. You won't spend much time on your patio if it's not enjoyable, so offer a shield from hot summer sun with a pergola, a trellis, or shade trees. With careful patio design plans, you can create shade while putting on a show with a stunning pergola or bold, beautiful specimen trees.


A lifelike rendering of what final projects will look like can be the key to closing your next deal. Once you’ve finished the patio design, just adjust the lighting settings, choose the view you want, and submit it for processing. In 5 minutes or less, your rendering will be ready to inspire your clients.

Breezy Lounge in the Shade.

Next, all you need to do to create a patio is import a terrain layer, draw the property boundaries and move the layer to the correct orientation. Once you have the terrain layer, add design features like decks, lawns, driveways, and more. It’s important to consider the climate when creating outdoor living areas.

In that case, opt for neutral color palettes, spare furniture arrangements, and lots of plants and greenery to fashion serene settings that match your relaxing and entertaining needs. Keep the lowkey feel going with low-maintenance, weatherproof furniture and fabrics, and cultivate a garden from easy-care container plantings. Everyone enjoys a secluded spot to share a quiet conversation with a friend or kick back with a good book. All you need to create a purposeful patio are a few comfy chairs and a table for placing drinks or books.

Gravel patios work especially well with European-inspired homes and Mediterranean landscapes. This tiny seating area, conveniently situated one step down from bright blue doors, provides space for a bistro table and chairs meant for enjoying morning coffee and evening cocktails. At this Ross, California, home, landscape designer Erica Timbrell carved out extra poolside seating with the addition of a patio under a canopy of California redwoods.

design outdoor patio

First, ensure privacy by choosing an area alongside your house or fence. Adding a trellis for a more secluded feel is a good outdoor patio idea. Then furnish the patio space with chairs and a table with an umbrella. Consider a bistro table set if you’re working with limited square footage. When decorating, interior designers encourage drawing inspiration from your living or bedroom spaces and infusing that style to the outdoor space for a continuous thread. Carry the aesthetic throughout the entire indoor-outdoor concept when choosing flooring, outdoor furniture, and greenery.

If your backyard looks like it’s in need of a little tender loving care - or maybe an injection of some wow factor - then you’re in the right place. This patio design collection presents 51 gorgeous ideas on how to expertly present your al fresco dining and open air lounge areas. For a minimalist feel that doesn’t make your concrete patio look too sparse or cold, add varying textures and colors to make the space appear inviting. The warm natural tones of wicker and wood can help soften a space, so they’re smart choices to consider when selecting outdoor furniture and outdoor dining pieces. Likewise, weatherproof rugs, throw pillows, and chic landscape design can all add dimension and visual breaks for the eye, which add to the overall experience.

The House of Mirth review Gillian Anderson is Oscar-worthy in a brilliant adaptation Movies

house of mirth movie

There are no rules with these fun little gardens, they’re simply built from your heart’s desire. They offer an opportunity to continually reinvent the space and keep the magic alive season after season. However, they are not the only ones who can partake in this whimsical activity; people of all ages can find solace and inspiration in creating a fairy garden.

house of mirth movie

Billy Wilder Theater

Following are excerpts from Stephen Holden's review, which appeared in The New York Times on Sept. 23. The film opens today at the Loews Paris Fine Arts Theater, 4 West 58th Street, Manhattan. Many was the jeer and jest that this casting had provoked here and there, I am sorry to say, with some wondering aloud if David Duchovny is to be cast in future as the lead in a biopic of Lord David Cecil. Despite being a period piece, The House of Mirth's depiction of social cruelty still feels chilling and relevant for today. We modern viewers are thinking that she need not repay it, that he is a louse and she can save herself, but that is not the sort of thing that would occur to Lily. She cannot keep a job as a rich man's companion because her reputation is wanting.

The House of Mirth review – Gillian Anderson is Oscar-worthy in a brilliant adaptation

Terence Davies, Unfiltered and Bitter - The New York Times

Terence Davies, Unfiltered and Bitter.

Posted: Fri, 13 May 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Wharton as a writer was a contemporary of her great friend Henry James, and also of the rising group of realists like Dreiser. The Age of Innocence is a Jamesian novel, but The House of Mirth is more like Dreiser, like an upper-class version of Sister Carrie , in which a woman's life is defined by economic determinism. Like the Edith Wharton novel that inspired it, Terence Davies' "The House of Mirth" conceals rage beneath measured surface appearances. This is one of the saddest stories ever told about the traps that society sets for women. Perhaps its characters fear that if they ever really spoke their thoughts, their whole house of cards, or mirth, would tumble down. And so they speak in code, and people's lives are disposed of with trivial asides and brittle wit.

Let's keep in touch!

Everyone knows the truth about her--that she is not a bad woman but an admirable one--and yet no one will act on it, because perceptions are more important than reality. What finally defeats Lily Bart is her own lack of imagination, her inability to think outside the envelope she was born within.


house of mirth movie

Premium Plus seating includes full-service ordering in a leather covered recliner that seats two guests with a shared table. Along with in-theatre food and drink delivery, IPIC's ninja-like servers are available at the push of a button to ensure your comfort with blankets and more. Before or after the movie, stop by The Tuck Room for hearty pub fare and craft cocktails. The New Beverly Cinema may have the most colorful history of any movie theater in Los Angeles. It has been home to a candy maker, a nightclub called Slapsy Maxie’s and an X-rated theatre.

Ask Amy: I’m uneasy about what they’re building in the basement

Carry believes Lily's two possibilities for marriage are George Dorset and Simon Rosedale. George asks Lily for the truth about his wife Bertha's infidelities, but she denies any knowledge of them. He has found out about Bertha's letters and advises Lily to use them to force Bertha to restore her social standing.

Following a three-year renovation, the historic Vista Theatre in Los Feliz is officially reopening on Friday, November 17 with Eli Roth's new holiday horror movie, Thanksgiving. Owner Quentin Tarantino, who purchased the Vista in 2021, is celebrating the theatre's centennial by hosting a sold-out 35mm screening of True Romance on November 11. In October 2023, American Cinematheque and Netflix announced that the Egyptian will be reopening on November 9 following a three-year renovation that has restored the movie palace to its original 1922 grandeur. The first screening will be The Killer, followed by a Q&A with the director David Fincher.

TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX

This English director's vision of New York City in 1905 is infinitely bleaker and more sterile than the glittering Versace- and Gucci-clad present, of course. The characters are too constricted by a punishing puritanical code of behavior to have much fun; hardly a smile is cracked throughout the film's glum 140 minutes. In early 20th century New York City, an impoverished socialite desperately seeks a suitable husband as she gradually finds herself betrayed by her friends and exiled from high society. Edith Wharton, a sharp and unforgiving chronicler of New York society, knew that, and knew that her own independence was based on her self-employment as a novelist.

Slammers offers free WiFi while guests enjoy espresso bar drinks with single origin beans from Heavy Water Coffee; tea, fresh pastries and gourmet versions of concession stand classics like hot dogs and nachos. Opened in September 2021, the spectacular Academy Museum of Motion Pictures houses more than 13 million objects in a 300,000 square-foot campus designed by Pritzker Prize winning architect Renzo Piano. ''The House of Mirth'' was shown as part of this year's New York Film Festival.

Filmmaker Terence Davies dead at 77 | BANG Showbiz English - 共同通信

Filmmaker Terence Davies dead at 77 | BANG Showbiz English.

Posted: Sat, 07 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Opened on Montana Avenue in 1940, the Aero Theatre was built by Santa Monica-based Douglas Aircraft Company to serve its employees. According to the Los Angeles Conservancy, during World War II the Aero (named in tribute to the aerospace industry) showed movies around the clock, in order to accommodate Douglas' three-shift manufacturing schedule. The Egyptian Theatre is one of only five remaining theaters in the U.S. capable of projecting nitrate film, the film stock used from 1889 to the 1950s - as well as 35mm, 70mm and digital formats - bringing classic and modern cinema to life. In 1922, a few weeks before King Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered, the Egyptian Theatre was opened by Charles E. Toberman and Sid Grauman, who would later go on to open Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. It was a prescient design choice - the world soon went mad for all things Egyptian and several other Egyptian-themed theatres soon opened across the country.

Then again, there aren’t many movie theatres with the history of the TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX, arguably the most famous movie house in the world. The first Los Angeles location of the acclaimed theatre chain is located at The Bloc in Downtown LA. Alamo Drafthouse features 12 screens with recliner chairs and food and drink that's delivered directly to your seat. The Video Vortex is a multi-purpose lounge with a full bar, 45+ beers on tap, Tex-Mex food menu, vintage arcade games, board games, and more than 40,000 Blu-rays and DVDs available for FREE rental (2 free items for one week, $2.99 for each item after). Apparently Davies saw a still of her in "The Mighty" (1998) and made her his first choice. Her success on "The X-Files" might seem to disqualify her, but Anderson's talent has many notes, and I liked the presence she brought to Lily Bart.

Dolby is the exclusive sponsor of the museum's state-of-the-art theaters. The 966-seat David Geffen Theater is a grand presentation space for major film events, public programs, live performances, movie premieres and other special events. The theater is fully equipped to present film in many formats, including nitrate, 35mm, 70mm, and laser projection supporting Dolby Vision. The theater also features Dolby Atmos, a truly immersive audio experience. The Geffen Theater’s stage can accommodate a 60-piece orchestra; its seating layout can be arranged to accommodate a sound booth; and catwalks can be rigged with theater lighting. The creation of fairy gardens is not just an artistic endeavor, but also an act of fun and whimsy played out with plants.

25 Best Deck And Patio Design Ideas For The Ultimate Backyard

design outdoor patio

It’s never been easier to get your clients excited about their new outdoor living area! Use Cedreo online patio design software to create detailed outdoor spaces your clients will love. At this Napa Valley family retreat, designer Dan Fink and architect Carl Baker of Ike Kligerman Barkley extended the living space by adding a pergola-covered gravel dining patio just off the great room. Striped cushions (fabric by Perennials) outfit the seating around a custom iron-and-teak dining table. You don’t need an expansive backyard to create an attractive patio. Even a tiny space can become an open-air retreat with the right planning and pieces.

Lausaint Home 8-Piece Outdoor Sectional Sofa

The Most Stylish Patio Furniture for Designing a Hollywood-Worthy Outdoor Sanctuary - Hollywood Reporter

The Most Stylish Patio Furniture for Designing a Hollywood-Worthy Outdoor Sanctuary.

Posted: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Carve out a small corner by laying down DIY-friendly and affordable pea gravel. Install landscape fabric first to prevent weeds and mud, then rake the material on top. Add a few chairs and a garden stool to complete your custom gravel patio.

Bring a holiday vibe to your garden

This allows you to add nicer seating options, and gives you the opportunity to scout out the best outdoor furniture stores and shop for accessories that complement the backyard landscaping. Covered patios afford homeowners the opportunity to play around with materials and textures. Bamboo structures give your space a tropical vibe, but if you add touches of black paint, then you’ve got a modern spin. Affixing outdoor fabric and draperies can help an area feel more enclosed and secluded, thus creating an outdoor extension of your indoor living space.

Create a chic drinks station

It’s surrounded by a strong retaining wall that can double as additional seating. The fire pit is the centerpiece of this stone patio from Ageless Concrete. If you’re looking to build a place in your yard perfect for long conversations, a rounded patio with plenty of seating will absolutely do the trick.

design outdoor patio

How to Shop for Outdoor Furniture

With these ideas, you can create an inviting patio you’ll enjoy all summer. The more bells and whistles your patio has, the harder it will be to maintain. Something that looks like it’s out of The Secret Garden will require pruning and maintenance. But embracing the minimalist—or even brutalist design trends—creates less clutter, so the only thing you might need to do is weatherproof with outdoor furniture covers. A concrete patio, as opposed to a small patio with gravel, is also easier to maintain in all types of weather. Paver and concrete sealants will keep your favorite hang out mold- and mildew-free for a longer time.

Add Rainbow Stripe Floors

This Serene Sunroom by Claire Staszak Flows Naturally to the Patio - House Beautiful

This Serene Sunroom by Claire Staszak Flows Naturally to the Patio.

Posted: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

It's minimalist, with clean lines and high-quality materials that make it the focus of any outdoor space. Think a teak seating set with exposed frames or a concrete dining table with rounded metal chairs. Your choice of furnishings, decor, and equipment should be adapted to your lifestyle and how you plan to use your patio. Decorate your small patio with everything from outdoor rugs to lighting to plants and water features. These days you can find outdoor furniture, accessories, and lighting at any price point.

Backyard Patio Ideas: 100+ Tricks to Take Your Yard From Drab to Fab

Gathering around a fire pit, log burning brazier, chiminea, or outdoor fireplace is fun for all the family and will make your patio feel extra special. Parasols, pergolas, awnings – there are plenty of options when it comes to patio cover ideas. But if you prefer a more natural vibe, then perhaps something like this is the solution for you.

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However, you can also finish your patio design with beds and boundaries built from wood, which can be cheaper and quicker to construct. Similarly, you may want to create a lounging zone, surrounded by pots or scent-led flower bed ideas such as beds filled with aromatic herbs or fragrant climbers. Using rope, you can create the boundary of your patio in your existing yard, too, to double check its dimensions. The intended function of the space will ultimately dictate the outcome of the design. Think about what you want to smell, feel, and hear while you’re outdoors.

Create Patio Layouts and 3D Visualizations Online

Opt for large-format tiles like these for your patio and you'll create the illusion of more space. Big tiles also add an air of luxury to a garden, and paired with sleek, stylish furniture and considered greenery – think ferns and palms – you can create a scheme that's the height of sophistication. And check out that gorgeous ochre-hued wall – it adds an instant dose of sunshine to the scene, whatever the weather. Patio furniture is also a great way to add a splash of color, but if you're feeling a little less brave, channel your inner maximalist through bold patterned dinnerware instead. It's also perfect for those days where you want to work on your laptop outside without having to squint at the screen. What's more, this one is surprisingly affordable – perfect if you're on the lookout for budget patio ideas.

With Cedreo, you can create professional 2D and 3D patio designs in minutes. Cedreo’s powerful features and extensive library of plants and materials let you quickly create elaborate landscape designs. Stepping stones inset in a gravel base carry foot traffic from the concrete walk to a strategically placed garden bench. The gravel and circular stones create a captivating design that's especially agreeable when viewed from the deck above. A sunken design and rustic flagstone walls ensure that gravel doesn't spill into the adjoining gardens and lawns. The smallish gravel mimics the various colors seen in the stacked stones and the fireplace to generate a pleasingly cohesive composition.

Convert underutilized areas in your landscape into welcoming patios. Add cozy appeal with handsome furnishings, vibrant fabrics, and beautifully planted containers. You can build a patio space anywhere you can create a floor from brick, flagstones, wood chips, or gravel. ​​Add an outdoor bar to your backyard patio to spend warm summer evenings kicking back with a cool beverage. Although this patio idea might seem luxurious, you can easily assemble a DIY version using cement blocks and wood boards. Add chairs or stools at counter height and an umbrella to complete the setup.

Browse through our new collection of Home & Decor items and accessories. Perfect for accenting your home or outdoor space with a touch of teak. Select from a variety of unique pieces from decorative bowls to teak root glass tables to stunning wall decor and stands.

Movie Theaters and Showtimes near Los Angeles, CA

house of mirth movie

The House of Mirth is a 2000 drama film written and directed by Terence Davies. An adaptation of Edith Wharton's 1905 novel The House of Mirth, the film stars Gillian Anderson. It is an international co-production between the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States. Sign up for the annual Gold Membership and receive perks like 10% off select food & beverage; 1 free Premium Plus ticket on your birthday; priority IPIC Access for new releases; invites to special screenings; and IPIC Access Points (1 point / $1 spent). There's also a curated bookstore upstairs, and Slammers Cafe tucked in the back on the garden patio.

Article 370

Remember, once a fairy door has been installed, it shouldn’t be touched again, or the fairies won’t come back. The best time to embark on creating a fairy garden is spring or early summer. In most climates, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of warmer weather and the garden’s full bloom. This timing allows the fairy garden to integrate seamlessly with the natural surroundings, enhancing its magical appeal.

Movie times + Tickets

At a recent Shaun of the Dead Movie Party, guests received inflatable cricket bats so they could smack their neighbors every time Shaun (Simon Pegg) smacks a zombie on-screen, and a keepsake Shaun-esque name tag. With the exception of Laura Linney's chillingly spidery Bertha Dorset (the unfaithful wife who plots Lily's destruction), the other performances are surprisingly one-dimensional. Dan Aykroyd's Gus Trenor, a married man who pounces on Lily after duplicitously trying to buy her favors, is little more than a red-eyed lunging pig. Anthony LaPaglia, as Sim Rosedale, a financier and outsider who is cannily buying his way up the social ladder, comes the closest to breaking through a buttoned-up caricature. The most cartoonish performance is Eleanor Bron's as Lily's aunt, a woman so severe she makes the Wicked Witch of the West seem warm and cuddly. The movie's most glaring failure is its casting of Ms. Anderson as Lily.

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Lily's social world includes George and Bertha Dorset (Terry Kinney and Laura Linney). Bertha flaunts her infidelities, and George is too timid, or well-mannered, to rise to the bait. She all but insists Lily accompany them on their yacht in the Mediterranean, and then gets herself out of a tight spot by a subterfuge against Lily so cruel and unfair, it almost rips the fabric of the film. Lily almost confronts Bertha Dorset with the letters written to Mr. Selden, but finding that the Dorsets have left town, she goes to Lawrence Selden, telling him she knows she lost his love. When Lawrence is not looking, she throws the letters in his lit fireplace.

Top cast

Institution, beloved for its 50,000-title rental collection and the sense of community it fostered among movie nerds. When Vidiots closed in February 2017, the future of the collection was in doubt. Thanks to the efforts of Maggie Mackay, executive director of the nonprofit Vidiots Foundation since 2016, more than $2 million was raised for a capital campaign to revive Vidiots. Along with early showings of the latest releases and special fan events, the El Capitan also presents Sensory Inclusive and Open Caption screenings.

Full Cast & Crew

She puts the check in an envelope she addresses to her bank, and writes another for Gus Trenor, resolving her massive debt, and then takes a fatal dose of the laudanum, drifting off to oblivion in her darkened room. Finding the partially-burnt letters in his fireplace and sensing her intentions, Selden rushes to her boarding room. There, at her deathbed, holding her hand, he weeps, declaring his love for her.

Los Feliz Theatre

Strong performances, gorgeous costumes and sumptuous art direction distinguish this adaptation of Edith Wharton's novel. Gillian Anderson stars as a unmarried woman who falls from grace in early 20th-century New York City, where the upper classes have little use for an independent female who refuses to play by the rules. Eric Stoltz, Anthony LaPaglia, Laura Linney, Dan Aykroyd, Elizabeth McGovern. She goes to tea at Selden's house, and is seen leaving by Mr. Rosedale (Anthony LaPaglia).

house of mirth movie

They allow both the young and the young at heart to indulge in creative play and storytelling. And who knows, if you add a door, you might just find the fairies will visit your garden. As you embark on the adventure of creating your own fairy garden, remember that there are no strict guidelines, only suggestions to spark your creativity. Each fairy garden is as unique as its creator, and there’s no right or wrong way to bring it to life. It’s an opportunity to step away from screentime and connect with nature, share an activity with loved ones and craft a space that brings joy and a sense of wonder. There are nearly 40,000 movie screens in the U.S.; not all are created equally.

Terence Davies’s Remembrance of Liverpool Past - The New York Times

Terence Davies’s Remembrance of Liverpool Past.

Posted: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Here in Los Angeles, we are blessed with some of the most outstanding movie theaters in the country. Some are historic, some feature state-of-the-art technology - or even a mix of both. Others offer such cutting edge fare, you’d be hard-pressed to find these films anywhere else. So the next time you go to the movies, why not make it one of these L.A.

Besides its Chinese pagoda design, the theatre’s most distinct feature is the famous Forecourt of the Stars, with nearly 200 celebrity handprints, footprints, and autographs immortalized in the concrete. Visitors can literally touch Hollywood history, from Marilyn Monroe to Tom Hanks, Betty Grable’s legs, Jimmy Durante’s nose, and the magic wands of Harry Potter’s heroic trio. A word that might best describe Mr. Davies's interpretation of Wharton's cruel novel of manners is Dickensian. The stone-and-marble mansions through which Wharton's socialites march like expressionless automatons have all the allure of shadowy mausoleums. Conversations tend to be stilted and punctuated with uncomfortable silences. As for period glamour, the doyennes of this society may wear the same accouterments as the great ladies in Sargent paintings, but they exude little of their magnetism and mystery.

Located in the former Silent Movie Theatre space in the Fairfax District, Brain Dead Studios is a repertory arthouse cinema showing an eclectic lineup of films from the silent era to modern day. The jam-packed schedule centers on monthly themes like "Animal Kingdom" (The Birds, Porco Rosso, Jaws, My Life as a Dog) and "Time of the Season" (Spring Breakers, Wet Hot American Summer, Midsommar, Ice Storm). Located on Vermont Avenue three blocks north of Hollywood Boulevard, the Los Feliz Theatre opened as a single-screen cinema in 1935 and was converted to a triplex in 1993. The theatre is owned and operated by Vintage Cinemas, which programs Cinemas No. 2 and 3. The American Cinematheque curates Cinema 1, at 144 seats the largest of the three screens. Alamo's Movie Parties are Rocky Horror-style interactive experiences that include fun props, themed drinks and more.

This flexibility ensures that anyone, regardless of the size of their outdoor space, can partake in the joy of creating a fairy garden, inviting a sense of wonder and enchantment into their environment. If that’s not your style, fairy gardens can also be built in a small garden area surrounded by sunflowers, calendulas or even cosmos. In the middle of the flowers, there could be a spot to nestle in and read, or a bird bath or a gazing ball could be tucked inside the ring of flowers. If you love it, once you’ve finished building it, you can repeat the design every year.

Small dollhouse furniture sourced from thrift stores can serve as quaint additions to the garden. Recycled materials can be transformed into unique, handcrafted pieces, adding a personal touch to the fairy abode. These elements work together to create a scene that is both enchanting and environmentally conscious. Fairy gardens captivate the imagination, serving as miniature sanctuaries that offer a glimpse into a whimsical, enchanted world. These tiny landscapes are crafted to attract mythical fairy visitors, blending the allure of fantasy with the beauty of nature.

Select movies and holiday themed series are often accompanied by pre-movie stage shows and memorabilia exhibits. Opened as a playhouse in 1926, this gorgeous, fully restored movie palace has been Disney’s cinematic home on Hollywood Boulevard since 1991, when The Rocketeer premiered at the El Capitan Theatre. With Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar all under the Disney umbrella, premieres have spanned a wide range of genres and movie universes.

''The House of Mirth'' is, after all, Wharton's sustained howl of rage at a world where women are overwhelmingly dependent on men for their livelihoods and in which one malicious whisper can destroy a reputation. Lily is a victim, an old-fashioned sacrificial heroine undone in part by her own high principles, when she refuses to stoop to the blackmailing employed by her foes. Money rules, and anyone who doesn't catch on to that fact is a fool who deserves to learn the hard way. However amorous a high-powered match might be, there is also likely to be a business arrangement lurking under the bed covers.

That isn't quite true - Jane Austen is Jane Austen with the gloves off - but Davies has brought an unexpected intensity, a genuine passion, to his adaptation of Wharton's novel of love, cruelty and guile in America's high society of the early 20th century. "They will forgive a woman almost anything except the loss of her good name." As Lily finds her credit in society running out, she turns to the resources she has left--or thinks she has--and we see finally that she is defeated. She is prepared for two things in life, to be a rich man's wife or to do piecework at poverty wages.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

100 Purple Nail Design Ideas for 2022 That Are Trendy AF

blue purple nail design

It’s a pastel purple and white takeover, bringing something new to this classic animal print design. Spoiling yourself is made easy with lavender lacquer glossed over short nails. Enhance this pretty shade with gold glitter flakes for a high-end finish. Let’s do thin stripes in purple, blue, and white to stylize these light purple beauties. Paint each stripe in a slightly curved design for that extra oomph. Flower-decorated manicures have been a go-to for a feminine nail design, particularly daisies.

Lilac, Pink, and White Swirl Designs

If you want to work a bit of that glamour into your own look, why not adorn your nails? Purple, especially deep aubergine, is neutral enough to go with most looks in your day-to-day life while still giving a little pop of color. This is one of the reasons why purple tends to be my color pop element of choice–it’s easy to make purple look great.

Mulberry Muse Nail Artistry

Butterflies are a popular choice for nail art, and when paired with a pinkish lavender to clear ombré, they create a delicate and feminine look. The result is a stunning and ethereal manicure that is perfect for spring and summer. Purple and blue ombré nails are perfect for individuals who want to add a pop of color to their nails. Purple and blue hues create a cool, playful, and fun set that is perfect for summer. These dark and matte shadese create a bold and dramatic look that can elevate any outfit. Dark purple ombré nails aside from black and purple ombré nails are perfect for formal events such as weddings.

Light purple nails

These light shades of purple create a soft gradient effect that is perfect for a delicate and feminine look. These nails are especially great for spring and summer as they pair well with pastel and light-colored outfits. Up the creativity and elegance of your purple nails by putting this trend to use with gold glitter foil.

blue purple nail design

Blue Long Nails

14 Icy Nail Designs That Are Perfect For Winter - Bustle

14 Icy Nail Designs That Are Perfect For Winter.

Posted: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

If you are looking for a modern, fresh, unique design, these nails are a must-try. They begin with clear nail polish forming the base that is met by the v-shaped tips. Lavender-blue nail polish is made use of to create a v-shaped design on the nail tips. Periwinkle, an otherwise muted color, is brought to life with creative detailing here. The accent nail hosts a butterfly print bordered with acrylic black gel paint, the wings in blue nail polish with white dots. The choice of clouds and stars on every other fingernail makes for a sparkle that is impossible to miss.

1980s-Inspired Geometric White and Purple Design

To make this design even more flattering, cute white leaves are neatly hand-painted for a delicate finish. I’ll definitely be jumping on this girly trend, a lot sooner than later. If you’re not going for anything too serious, top up your own nails with a pretty purple shade. A simple nail design can oftentimes be the most versatile. Elevating your french tips doesn’t have to be a difficult task.

40 Spring Nail Designs for the 2024 Season - Parade Magazine

40 Spring Nail Designs for the 2024 Season.

Posted: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You’ll adore the second design on our list, the Sky Blue Clouds Design, for its whimsical, sky-inspired vibes and serene hues. This design captures the ethereal beauty of a cloud-dotted summer sky on your fingertips. With Purple Nebula nails, you’re not just wearing a trend, you’re wearing a universe.

Blue French Tips

The soft, dreamy, effect created by the gradient makes it perfect for special events. A purple ombré with rhinestones and subtle glitter is a magical design that adds a touch of whimsy to your nails. Add some white flower nail art to your lavender ombré nails. From white dots to hand-painted details, the possibilities are endless. This stunning and versatile design can be created in many different shades of purple, making it a perfect match for any occasion.

Painted in a dreamy purple palette, this fairytale-inspired set with 3D textures and butterflies might be the prettiest way to rep the color. If you are in a fix to choose between NexGen nails and shellac nails, you will get the answer to your queries from this article. I bet this nail style above was inspired by someone doing the dishes and one of the glass cups slipped and shattered into a million pieces. Being Colorful and delightful is the first thing you should think about when you want to initiate a nail style. One thing’s for sure, we love glitter but if you’re not a fan of too much sparkle, here’s a look you’ll love. Rich royal purples adorn your nails, exuding sophistication and style.

One of the simplest floral designs to accomplish, you can rock this look over a purple base to give your nails a boost. There’s nothing like the shine your manicure receives as that warm Summer sun beams against the pretty color of your nails. The Vampire Diaries wrapped up in 2017, but the series’ love triangle remains a hot topic. So much so, that I just couldn’t pass on this vampy deep purple design.

Whether you’re an at-home nail painter or a loyal salon-goer, blooming gel is a total must-have. This alien-inspired design with neon purple highlights beautifully showcases what the buzzy polish can do. Allow your manicure to be the star of the show with these extra-long, coffin-shaped French nails topped with glittering fuchsia polish. Vanessa is a fun-loving girl who loves to color her nails and experiment with new beauty trends. She trained at Empire Beauty School, and now she's a freelance beauty writer. Vanessa loves trying out new products and sharing her thoughts with her readers.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Coast Guard suspends search for man who jumped off Carnival Cruise ship heading to Florida

jaylen hill cruise ship

The Elation returned to Jacksonville's port in October 2022 after being previously deployed to Port Canaveral. That marked a return for the cruise ship, which ran out of Jacksonville in 2015. At 855 feet long, nearly 72,000 tons and staffed with 900 crewmembers, the Carnival Elation can carry nearly 2,200 guests. Surveillance video reportedly captured 30-year-old Jaylen Hill leaping over the railing of the Carnival Elation on Sunday afternoon off the coast of Melbourne, Florida. Carnival Cruise Line said the Elation was "advised to continue to Jacksonville" after informing authorities of the situation on Sunday. Jaylen Hill, 30, was caught on camera jumping off the side of the Carnival Elation on Sunday as it was heading toward its final stop in Jacksonville.

jaylen hill cruise ship

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The U.S. Coast Guard told the news station that it deployed two aircraft and a cutter to search for the man. The US Coast Guard has stopped its search for a 30-year-old male passenger who went overboard from the Carnival Elation cruise ship on Sunday. The incident occurred aboard the cruise ship Carnival Elation on Sunday morning. The ship was approximately 95 miles east of Melbourne, Florida, at the time of the incident. Carnival previously said the Elation crew was informed by Mr Hill’s travelling companion late on Sunday afternoon that he had not been seen all day.

Lower Mississippi

jaylen hill cruise ship

The crews covered more than 1,347 square miles — an area nearly the size of Long Island — while looking for Hill, but by Monday night, their efforts yielded no results and the search was called off “pending any further developments,” the Coast Guard said. The search was suspended Monday for a missing Carnival Cruise passenger who leaped off the ship near the Florida coast, the Coast Guard announced. The third itinerary option, “Journey of the Glaciers,” is a 10-night sailing with four departures from late May through late July. This iconic voyage will explore the full breadth of the Inside Passage, showcasing coastlines sculpted by rivers of jagged ice and offering a variety of ports of call popular with all Alaska cruises. Travel to the birthplace of jazz, blues, and rock–n-roll as our talented onboard musicians entertain you with songs born along the river.

Coast Guard ends search for man who went overboard on Carnival cruise ship - WPEC

Coast Guard ends search for man who went overboard on Carnival cruise ship.

Posted: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Search suspended for man who jumped overboard Carnival cruise ship off Florida coast: officials

Admire the breathtaking scenery that has inspired the country’s most legendary writers, artists, and musicians. Photos have emerged of a 30-year-old man who jumped from a Carnival Cruise ship as it was sailing back towards port in Jacksonville. Meanwhile, Carnival said its care team is working to support the man’s family. A clip showed Hill jumping off the side of the boat about 95 miles off the coast of Melbourne. Carnival did not respond to questions regarding which man overboard-detection technologies are in place on board the Carnival Elation ship.

Part of that experience will be heightened onboard with locally sourced cuisine and specialties from Alaskan microbreweries, as well as curated entertainment and enrichment opportunities. “Explora Journeys’ Alaskan experience will inspire and excite in equal measure, especially for those who are curious for remarkable exploration,” said Michael Ungerer, the Chief Executive Officer of Explora Journeys. Immersive luxury line Explora Journeys has announced its first ever season in Alaska with Explora I offering three distinct, detailed itineraries for 2024 sailings. There are so many reasons to explore the Mighty Mississippi River from New Orleans to the Twin Cities of Minnesota.

Second Icon-Class Ship Will Have a Furry Family Member

Since the start, it's been our aim to provide the latest cruise news covering all the major cruise lines. We make sure cruisers are fully prepared for their cruise vacation with tips on ships and ports.Millions of travelers rely on Cruise Hive in the United States, Europe, Australia, and around the world. The man, 30, went overboard off the Carnival Elation on Sunday about 95 miles east of Melbourne in Central Florida, WFTV reported.

Coast Guard calls off search for Jaylen Hill after he was filmed jumping off Carnival cruise ship

The man was reported missing by his travel companion late Sunday afternoon after he was not seen all day. Any time we can’t bring a loved one home to their family is a pain we all feel,” Petty Officer Eric Rodriguez said in a statement. Described as the final update in the search, the USCG Southeast said District 7 suspended search efforts for 30-year-old Jaylen Hill pending any further developments. Hill was a passenger on the Carnival Elation cruise ship and went overboard Sunday approximately 95 miles east of Melbourne, Florida.

According to Carnival Cruise Line officials, the Elation crew was notified by his family members that Jaylen Hill, 30, was missing. The U.S. Coast Guard continues to lead the search and rescue efforts, deploying both air and surface crews to scour the area in an attempt to locate Jaylen Hill. The US Coast Guard has ended its search for a man who jumped from the deck of a Carnival cruise ship. The Carnival Elation, the 855-foot ship where the missing man had been a guest, first set sail in the late 90s.


Man Jumps From Carnival Cruise Ship Bound For Florida - Patch

Man Jumps From Carnival Cruise Ship Bound For Florida.

Posted: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A comprehensive search was immediately launched on board the ship, and security camera footage was thoroughly reviewed in an effort to ascertain the events leading up to Hill’s disappearance. Unfortunately, the ship’s authorities concluded that the missing guest had jumped overboard. ORLANDO, Fla. - The US Coast Guard has suspended the search for a man they said jumped overboard a Carnival cruise ship off the coast of Florida over the weekend. "We offer our deepest condolences to the Hill family," said Petty Officer Eric Rodriguez, D7. "Our crews take our life saving mission very seriously. Any time we can't bring a loved one home to their family is a pain we all feel."

Jacksonville, Fla. (WSVN) — A search and rescue effort is underway to locate a man who the U.S. Coast Guard said reportedly jumped overboard from a Carnival Cruise Lines ship. “Sadly, after an exhaustive on-board search and a review of security camera video it was determined that he jumped,” the company said in a statement to The New York Post. As you cruise the legendary Mississippi River, our dedicated crew will treat you with gracious hospitality and the utmost care. Enjoy the intimacy and comfort of small-ship cruising, where our crew will quickly learn your name and preferences as you travel with us. Our onboard experts don’t just lecture, they spend time with guests aboard and on shore, giving real insight and depth to each destination visited.

Explora Journeys is part of MSC Group, a company already renowned for its customer service and heightened experiences. The new luxury lifestyle Explora Journeys brand will expand that dedication with the Explora class of ships, the first to be delivered in May 2023. From the coast of Maine, to the mighty Mississippi and Pacific Northwest, our Free Cruise Guide provides detailed information about all of our more than 50 U.S. itinerary options. Cruising the Mississippi River and its tributaries with American Cruise Lines is an extraordinary journey through history. From Colonial pioneers to entrepreneurs, much of America’s story has been forged – or fought – along their length. The Mississippi River is navigable from New Orleans, Louisiana to the Twin Cities of Minnesota, and forms a maritime corridor through the U.S. heartland.

The 2010 Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Law states that cruise ships need to have 42-inch guard rails and man-overboard detection systems. Unfortunately, not all cruise ships developed a reliable and automatic man-overboard detection system that uses thermal cameras and radars. On Monday night, the US Coast Guard ended its search for a passenger who jumped off a Carnival cruise ship. "We offer our deepest condolences to the Hill family," said Petty Officer Eric Rodriguez. "Our crews take our life-saving mission very seriously. Any time we can't bring a loved one home to their family is a pain we all feel." The Coast Guard began a search about 95 miles east of Melbourne, Florida, where the man went overboard, authorities said Monday.

'The Carnival Care Team is providing support to the guest's family and our thoughts are with them and the guest,' said a spokesman for Carnival, speaking to Fox Business. Carnival Cruise Line said the Elation was 'advised to continue to Jacksonville' after informing authorities of the situation on Sunday. The Carnival Elation vessel had just finished a four-day trip to the Bahamas, which ended in Jacksonville on Monday morning. However, on Monday night, a decision was made to call off the search "pending any further developments", the Coast Guard said. The Coast Guard covered more than 1,374 miles while looking for the passenger after a 87ft Tarpon, a Hercules aircraft, and a Miami Ocean Sentry aircraft were dispatched to the scene. From 2009 to 2019, Cruise Lines International Association reported a total of 212 overboard cases.

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